Keeper Compliance Reports

Reports provide on-demand visibility of access permissions to your organization’s credentials and secrets.

Keeper Compliance Reports allow Keeper Administrators to monitor and report the access permissions of privileged accounts across the entire organization, in a zero-trust and zero-knowledge security environment

As Identity and Access Management (IAM) cybersecurity regulations increase, organizations require comprehensive policies and tools to ensure compliance. The ability to audit and control access to credentials and sensitive information is critical to obtain compliance and prevent a data breach.

Compliance regulation costs are on the rise and staffing budgets are constrained

Distributed remote work has exponentially increased the attack perimeter for cybercriminals. Auditing access control policies has become more critical than ever. Audit and finance teams require cost-effective tools which enable remote auditing, monitoring and event reporting.

SOX CompliantSOX Compliant
ISO 27001 ISO 27001
GDPR CompliantGDPR Compliant
PCI DSS Level 1 PCI DSS Level 1
HIPAA Compliant HIPAA Compliant

Keeper Enterprise has the most comprehensive event logging and reporting tools for compliance auditors

Keeper Enterprise has the most comprehensive event logging and reporting tools for compliance auditors

Streamline your security compliance process

Keeper Compliance Reports supports audits for Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) and other regulations that require access-control monitoring and event auditing. On-demand compliance reports can be forwarded to automated compliance systems and external auditors.

Reduced time and cost for compliance auditing Reduced time and cost for compliance auditing
Zero-trust and zero-knowledge security Zero-trust and zero-knowledge security
On-demand visibility of access permissions by user On-demand visibility of access permissions by user
Fully customizable reports Fully customizable reports
Easy-to-use report builder Easy-to-use report builder
Report previews for pre-approvals Report previews for pre-approvals
Compliance Report Capabilities

Compliance Report Capabilities

  • Administrator-defined reports
  • Role-based access to reports
  • Report user filters with Node, User Names and Job Titles
  • Record data filters with Record Titles, Record Types and URLs
  • Visibility to source permissions and restrictions
  • Report previews of user reports
  • Report exporting to CSV, JSON and PDF

Supports critical use cases in your enterprise

  • On-Demand Auditing

    Generate detailed, user-level reports showing privileged access and permissions to critical systems, credentials and secrets.

  • Payment Card Access

    Analyze role-based, user-level access permissions and rights to payment card accounts.

  • Financial Services Investigations

    Track suspicious user activity and access rights for specific financial services URLs and records to support investigations which can be utilized with Keeper’s Advanced Reporting & Alerts for comprehensive event reporting and monitoring.

  • Cloud Infrastructure Access Monitoring

    Obtain full visibility of the organization’s cloud infrastructure (e.g. Entra ID (Azure), AWS, Google Cloud) credentials and user access permissions.

  • User Decommissioning

    Take detailed snapshots of key elements of a user’s vault prior to decommissioning and transferring their vault to another designated user.

  • Specific Record-Level Searches

    Quickly find records with specific attributes - e.g. record title, record type, URL, record owner(s) and job title(s).

  • User Record Permissions Reconciliation

    Provides the administrator with pervasive visibility to records that have been shared to a user through multiple sources with different permissions and restrictions.

Achieve Industry-Specific Cybersecurity Compliance Today.

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