Password Generator:
Easily Create Strong, Random Passwords

Use our free tool to generate unique, strong passwords. Just tap the dice!

Very Strong Password

Character Length: 20

How To Use the Password Generator

The password generator automatically creates random and strong passwords based on your preferred settings. You can adjust the desired number of characters and the types of characters you need for your password (uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols). After making your selections, click on the dice icon.

When To Use a Password Generator

  • When struggling to create a strong password
  • When wanting to strengthen a weak password
  • When updating passwords for multiple accounts

Password Best Practices to Follow

Don't use personal information in your passwords

Easy passwords, such as password123 or your dog’s name, are simple to remember but also simple for cybercriminals to crack. Your first line of defense against cybercriminals breaking into your online accounts and stealing your personal data is to use strong passwords and different passwords for every account. Strong passwords should be long, complex and difficult to remember.

A strong password has:

  • At least 16 characters and preferably more
  • Both uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Both letters and numbers
  • At least one special character, such as ! @ # ?

Don't reuse passwords

Reusing the same passwords puts you at risk of a cyber attack, such as credential stuffing. A credential stuffing attack is when a cybercriminal takes leaked credentials from one site and uses them on multiple sites in an attempt to gain access to your accounts. This attack works on the assumption that people often use the same username and password across multiple sites.

Don't use risky methods to share passwords

Sharing your passwords through risky methods such as email, text message, Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp, Slack, Discord, etc., leaves you at a higher risk of having your accounts compromised. It’s best to never share your passwords, but if you absolutely must, we highly recommend sharing your passwords securely with the help of a password manager.

Frequently asked questions

Is Keeper’s password generator safe to use?

Yes, the Keeper password generator is entirely safe to use. Using Keeper's password generator is safer and more secure than creating a password on your own.

Do all of my accounts need a unique password?

Yes, security experts recommend using strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts. You should never reuse the same password or even a variation of another password. The security of all your accounts is at risk if you use the same password for everything.

How often should I change my password?

Your current password practices will dictate how often you should change your passwords. For example, if you use strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts, you only have to change your passwords in certain circumstances, such as when:

  • Your account is a part of a breach
  • You suspect unauthorized access
  • Your device is infected with malware

If you aren’t following password best practices, we suggest changing all your passwords to ones that are strong and unique. You can quickly change your passwords with the help of a password manager.

What are the most common password mistakes?

Many people fall victim to creating a password that is easy to remember. Examples include your dog's name, your last name followed with “123”, your birthday, etc. However, easy-to-remember passwords can allow bad actors to gain access to your accounts. Here are some examples of the most common password mistakes:

  • Using the same password for every account
  • Using personal information in passwords
  • Using passwords that are too short
  • Not storing passwords in a password vault

Overall, strong passwords should be long, complex and difficult to remember. Learn more about how to create strong passwords.

Use Keeper’s Strong Password Generator

Not sure where to store your new, strong passwords? Try Keeper Password Manager for free.

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