2024 EMA PAM Radar™ Report

KeeperPAM Named Value Leader

Read the EMA PAM Radar Report to see why KeeperPAM was named a Value Leader and how we compare to other vendors.

Key takeaways

The recognition comes from analyst firm Enterprise Management Associates® (EMA™) which gives an unbiased view of the market landscape, ensuring organizations of all sizes can understand the benefits and drawbacks of cybersecurity solutions.

The 2024 EMA PAM Radar™ Report compares the product strengths and cost-efficiencies of cybersecurity solutions that define, control and manage access to an organization’s most sensitive accounts, systems and applications.

Read the full report to learn:

  • What makes KeeperPAM a leading PAM provider for product strength and cost-efficiency
  • Keeper’s success in providing an easy-to-deploy platform with broad functionality
  • How KeeperPAM requires no on-premises infrastructure deployments, and because it’s agentless and clientless, no additional software is needed
A scatter plot of PAM products
Named a Value Leader 2024 EMA Radar™ for PAM Cost Efficiency vs Product Strength for PAM products by vendor according to 2024 EMA Radar™. The bigger a circle, the greater the vendor strength. Category legend with 4 items. The items are Limited, Selective, Strong, Value. Scatter plot with 10 symbols. The horizontal axis is labeled as “Cost Efficiency”, the vertical axis is labeled as “Product Strength”.
Informe sobre buenas prácticas parentales: Conversaciones sobre seguridad cibernética

KeeperPAM is cost-effective and easy to deploy – and the industry is taking notice

Legacy PAM products are complex, difficult to deploy and expensive. KeeperPAM stands out as a Value Leader in the 2024 EMA PAM Radar™ Report for its product strength and cost-efficiency for the second year in a row.

Una plataforma fácil de usar que unifica los componentes críticos de la gestión de identidades y accesos, y permite una transformación de confianza cero

Gestión de contraseñas

Proteja, descubra, comparta y rote contraseñas, claves de acceso y datos confidenciales en una bóveda de conocimiento cero con control de acceso basado en funciones, auditorías y cumplimiento de normativa.

Gestión de conexiones

Establezca sesiones privilegiadas en la nube y en su red interna, cree túneles, potencie el acceso a infraestructuras de confianza cero y proteja el acceso remoto a bases de datos sin necesidad de VPN.

Gestión de secretos

Integre canalizaciones de integración y entrega continua (CI/CD), herramientas DevOps, software personalizado y entornos de nubes múltiples en una plataforma totalmente administrada y de conocimiento cero para proteger los secretos de infraestructura y prevenir que proliferen.

Aislamiento remoto del navegador

Proteja las aplicaciones internas basadas en la web, las aplicaciones en la nube y los dispositivos BYOD contra el malware, evite la filtración de datos y controle las sesiones de navegación con auditoría completa, grabación de sesiones y autorrelleno de contraseñas.

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