2022 US Cybersecurity Census Report

Understand the transforming landscape of cybersecurity in the United States – including the growing threats organizations face and the strategies used to overcome them.

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Puntos clave

Ciberataques e impactos

Los ciberataques están teniendo un impacto severo en las empresas de todos los tamaños y sectores, y no muestran ningún signo de ralentización.

Resultado: The average cost of a cyberattack was over $75,000.

Herramientas e inversiones de ciberseguridad

Despite awareness of growing threats, organizations are falling short in cybersecurity investments and tools, leaving them exposed.

Resultado: 30% of respondents leave it entirely to employees to set their own passwords.

Liderazgo en ciberseguridad

The majority of the C-suite recognizes how essential cybersecurity is for their business, but struggle to source the skilled workforce needed.

Resultado: 39% of respondents see rising external threats as one of their top 3 concerns.

La ciberseguridad en la cultura empresarial

Los responsables de TI deben fomentar una cultura de transparencia y compresión de los conceptos clave de la ciberseguridad.

Resultado: Almost half (48%) of respondents have been aware of a cyberattack and not reported it.

"This research demonstrates that cyberattacks present a profound threat. Preventative measures, in the form of investment, education, and cultural shifts, will be essential for businesses to drive resilience and protect their organizations from cybercriminals."

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