Fill your Single Sign-On (SSO) Security Gaps with Keeper

A comprehensive privileged password manager fills the SSO gaps and boosts overall data security.

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A Practical Solution for Boosting SSO Security

For organizations that have to manage scores if not hundreds of internal and external services, SSO is a valuable tool. However, most legacy, native and even many web-based applications don’t support SAML. There are also many credentials to manage beyond passwords, such as encryption keys (RSA, AES, SSH), digital certificates, and API keys. See how Keeper Enterprise Password Manager completes your Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution.

Our white paper offers an in-depth look into:

  • The five limitations and challenges of SSO and how it leaves gaps in your overall credential management and security strategy.
  • A mini-case study on MRA Associates, a fully independent investment advisor, on how they integrated their SSO solution and Keeper Enterprise password manager to complete their IAM strategy.
  • Other key benefits of Keeper including zero-knowledge architecture for maximum security, IT admin insight into and control of employee password hygiene and protecting more than passwords like confidential files, encryption keys and digital certificates.

To learn more about how a password management solution can protect your organization, download the full white paper here.

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