2024 EMA PAM Radar™ Report

KeeperPAM Named Value Leader

Read the EMA PAM Radar Report to see why KeeperPAM was named a Value Leader and how we compare to other vendors.

Key takeaways

The recognition comes from analyst firm Enterprise Management Associates® (EMA™) which gives an unbiased view of the market landscape, ensuring organizations of all sizes can understand the benefits and drawbacks of cybersecurity solutions.

The 2024 EMA PAM Radar™ Report compares the product strengths and cost-efficiencies of cybersecurity solutions that define, control and manage access to an organization’s most sensitive accounts, systems and applications.

Read the full report to learn:

  • What makes KeeperPAM a leading PAM provider for product strength and cost-efficiency
  • Keeper’s success in providing an easy-to-deploy platform with broad functionality
  • How KeeperPAM requires no on-premises infrastructure deployments, and because it’s agentless and clientless, no additional software is needed
A scatter plot of PAM products
Named a Value Leader 2024 EMA Radar™ for PAM Cost Efficiency vs Product Strength for PAM products by vendor according to 2024 EMA Radar™. The bigger a circle, the greater the vendor strength. Category legend with 4 items. The items are Limited, Selective, Strong, Value. Scatter plot with 10 symbols. The horizontal axis is labeled as “Cost Efficiency”, the vertical axis is labeled as “Product Strength”.
家长做法报告: 网络安全对话

KeeperPAM is cost-effective and easy to deploy – and the industry is taking notice

Legacy PAM products are complex, difficult to deploy and expensive. KeeperPAM stands out as a Value Leader in the 2024 EMA PAM Radar™ Report for its product strength and cost-efficiency for the second year in a row.





建立云端和本地特权会话,创建隧道,支持零信任基础设施访问,并在无需 VPN 的情况下保护远程数据库访问。


将 CI/CD 管道、DevOps 工具、定制软件和多云环境集成到一个完全托管的零知识平台,以保护基础设施机密并减少机密扩散。


通过全面审核、会话记录和密码自动填充功能,保护内部基于 Web 的应用、云应用和 BYOD 设备免受恶意软件侵扰,防止数据外泄,并控制浏览会话。

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