开始免费体验Keeper Security is an official partner of the Atlassian Williams Racing Formula One team.
Atlassian Williams Racing drives innovation with the modern technology trusted by champions. As cybersecurity enters a new era of emerging threats powered by artificial intelligence, Keeper stays ahead of the curve with relentless innovation to protect individuals and organizations of all sizes.
以每小时 220 英里的速度行驶,一瞬间可能是失败与成功的区别。获胜需要掌握敏捷和速度。Keeper 通过敏捷且易于部署的解决方案来加速网络安全,保护每台设备上的每位用户,无论其在何处,以确保您的组织保持领先。
The storied history of Atlassian Williams Racing has solidified its standing as one of the world’s most iconic Formula One teams with sixteen world championship titles over the past five decades. Keeper’s zero-trust cybersecurity platform is the unequivocal industry innovator for next-generation privileged access management, protecting millions of people, globally.
"我们的数据及其保护是我们在 2024 年最重要的资产之一。维护数百个密码以确保我们的信息安全和数据受到保护,需要强大而可信赖的系统。Keeper 是这些问题的解决方案,可为您的信息提供经过验证的安全性。Keeper 还体现了团队的精神:追求卓越、开拓创新和不懈的成功决心。" 詹姆斯·沃尔斯 | Atlassian Williams 车队负责人