Keeper + Ravensburger

CASO PRÁCTICO Ravensburger Solves the Password Puzzle with Keeper Security

German toy and publishing company standardizes password management with smooth end-user functionality and support

Integration with Microsoft Entra ID (Azure) for centralized user management

Integration with Microsoft Entra ID (Azure) for centralized user management

Support for multiple browsers with KeeperFill® browser extension

Support for multiple browsers with KeeperFill® browser extension

Cut password and user authentication help desk tickets

Cut password and user authentication help desk tickets

Simple UI and mobile support on Apple and Android

Simple UI and mobile support on Apple and Android

Integration with a variety of MFA and SSO options

Integration with a variety of MFA and SSO options

About Ravensburger

Ravensburger AG is an international group with several renowned toy brands. Its mission is: "Encourage discovery of what really matters." Ravensburger products and services promote togetherness, build knowledge and social skills, enable relaxation and create lasting memories. The company´s most important brand, the Ravensburger blue triangle, is one of the leading European brands for games, puzzles and arts & crafts as well as for German-language children's and youth books. Toys with the blue triangle are sold worldwide.

The international brands BRIO and ThinkFun expand the group's portfolio. Ravensburger has been a family business since it was founded in 1883 and is shaped by tradition and grown values. In 2021, Ravensburger had 2,413 employees and achieved net revenue of EUR 636 million. Ravensburger runs its own plants in Ravensburg, Germany and Polika, Czech Republic.

El reto

The Ravensburger IT team supports offices, production sites and colleagues around the world, managing a wide range of operating systems, browsers and applications across its operations. Similar to most companies, the help desk was spending a significant amount of time each week just resolving password-related and user authentication support tickets.

Some employees stored (and were forgetting) passwords with pen and paper. Other employees used their browser's built-in password manager to keep track. While these employees could retrieve their passwords, these password managers presented their own security gaps and challenges, including that they are vulnerable to exfiltration because they aren’t encrypted. They also hamper productivity for global teams collaborating on projects and contributing through shared accounts — like the social media team using the same corporate profiles.

Despite the existence of an IT policy, password- and record-sharing were in effect at the discretion of individual employees. The absence of a technical solution to standardize and facilitate role-based access privileges posed a serious security challenge to forming a holistic defense against cyber threats, especially for a company with a distributed workforce.

Ravensburger found itself in a password labyrinth. The password management solution it chose would need to integrate with Microsoft Entra ID (Azure), which it uses with a local active directory to manage user authentication. Easy end-user functionality, including availability on different browsers and devices, was critical to any future solution. Zwaka and the IT team knew that “if a solution was too complicated for the end-user, they would be making it more difficult” for themselves and their employees ‒ paying instead for a new method to create support tickets.

It was important from a technical view to integrate with our satellite systems. It was also important that the software we chose was simple enough for the average employee to use.

It was important from a technical view to integrate with our satellite systems. It was also important that the software we chose was simple enough for the average employee to use.

–Benjamin Zwaka, Senior System Administrator

La solución de Keeper

The IT team initially adopted Keeper and then made it available for other departments, including marketing, accounting, finance and business intelligence, where it has quickly established itself as an essential tool for productivity and collaboration ‒ and security too. Integrated multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on (SSO) options through Keeper have enabled social media and marketing managers to securely collaborate on shared accounts.

More technical users, including those in the development department, are finding Keeper valuable when they need to share password records and SSL certificates. The industry-leading security provided by Keeper, in combination with its ease of use, has drastically reduced the number of password-related support tickets for the help desk.

Ravensburger has also enabled BreachWatch®, a powerful business monitoring tool that constantly scans employee passwords for exposure on the dark web. It immediately alerts company admins and end-users at Ravensburger when their password may have been exposed on the dark web, notifying them to take action and protect their organization. Risk-level assessments are provided to individual employees and the enterprise overall so users and admins can proactively change weak passwords and set strong ones.

In rolling out Keeper to the wider Ravensburger organization, admins have found the user guides, documentation portal and training videos helpful for admins and employees alike. Keeper’s intuitive user interface has driven quick adoption. Zwaka credits Keeper for improving password management at Ravensburger, along with raising user awareness of security more generally at the company.

Before we introduced Keeper, it was the IT team that was responsible for security. Now, everyone is responsible for IT security. We have software to help everyone get on board and protect the company.

Before we introduced Keeper, it was the IT team that was responsible for security. Now, everyone is responsible for IT security. We have software to help everyone get on board and protect the company.

–Zwaka, Senior System Administrator

Beneficios de la gestión de contraseñas empresariales


Keeper es una solución de gestión de contraseñas de conocimiento y confianza cero. Esto significa que solamente el usuario final puede acceder a toda la información que tiene almacenada en Keeper. Todo el proceso de cifrado y descifrado se realiza en el dispositivo del cliente y los datos se cifran tanto en tránsito (TLS) como en reposo en la infraestructura de Keeper (AES-256).

La versión de los datos en texto plano nunca está disponible para los empleados de Keeper Security u otras personas externas. Para Keeper lo más importante es proteger los datos de los clientes, pero en el improbable caso de que Keeper sufriera el pirateo informático, los atacantes únicamente podrían acceder al inservible texto cifrado.

Mejore la concienciación y el funcionamiento de las contraseñas

La mayoría de las empresas tienen una visibilidad limitada de las prácticas con las contraseñas que tienen sus empleados, lo que aumenta en gran medida las ciberamenazas. La seguridad de las contraseñas no puede mejorarse sin una información crítica sobre su uso y su conformidad. Keeper resuelve este problema ofreciendo informes completos sobre contraseñas, auditorías, análisis y notificaciones.

Comparta sus contraseñas de forma segura

Cada usuario dispone de un conjunto de claves de cifrado públicas y privadas que se utiliza para cifrar el almacén y compartir registros de contraseñas y mensajes entre usuarios. La información compartida se cifra con la clave pública del destinatario.

Seguridad ágil

Keeper es un programa intuitivo y fácil de poner en marcha independientemente del tamaño de su empresa. Keeper se integra con Active Directory y servidores LDAP, lo que agiliza el aprovisionamiento y la incorporación de usuarios. Use Keeper SSO Connect® para integrar su solución SSO existente.

Keeper crece con su negocio

Keeper se diseñó para adaptarse a empresas de cualquier tamaño. Funciones como los permisos basados en roles, el uso compartido entre equipos, las auditorías de departamentos y la administración delegada respaldan su negocio a medida que crece. Keeper Commander™ ofrece API sólidas que se integran en sistemas actuales y futuros.

Proteja su negocio con Keeper

Para saber más sobre cómo Keeper puede proteger su negocio con una plataforma fácil de usar para la gestión de accesos e identidades (IAM), contacte con nuestro equipo de ventas para una prueba gratuita o una demostración.

Proteja su negocio con Keeper.

Para saber más sobre cómo Keeper puede proteger su negocio con una plataforma fácil de usar para la gestión de identidades y accesos, contacte con nuestro equipo de ventas para una prueba gratuita o una demostración.

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