Managed Service Provider (MSP) Academy Managed Service Provider (MSP) Academy

Learn about Password Management as a Service and grow your business.

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Cyber Security Starts With Password Security.

of SMBs experienced a cyber attack in 2018

of data breaches are due
to weak password security

is the average cost of a
data breach

By equipping yourself with Keeper, you have taken the first critical step to protect your customers. As a partner of ours, you get the resources, tools and guidance to achieve success.

User Guides

MSP Guide

Admin guide on how to onboard Managed Companies, add and allocate licenses and deploy Keeper to end-user devices.

Enterprise Guide

Admin guide for the administrators from your Managed Companies on how to manage their instance.

User Guide

User guides for end-users on desktop and mobile devices.

White Papers

On-Demand Webinars

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