Keeper + Anonymous

ESTUDO DE CASO Ad Agency Never Forgets Passwords with Keeper Password Manager

Spanish Brand and Design Firm Protects Every Employee

Secure password and file storage
Efficient vault-to-vault sharing for shared accounts
GDPR compliance with logs for access permissions
Training, UI and support simplify user experience

About the Ad Agency

The agency is a fully-integrated brand consultancy that leverages data, design, technology and creativity to bring iconic brands to life. The firm helps storied brands connect with customers through transformative digital experiences, including services like brand research and strategy, digital experience, marketing technology, social media, creative design and media performance. The firm is based in Spain and has offices in Europe and North America.

O desafio

Like employees at many companies before they start using a password manager, the agency turned to the most intuitive places to store passwords, using spreadsheets, word documents and notebooks to keep track of their login credentials. Although some individual employees were using password managers to protect their accounts and logins, both personally and professionally, the company had not deployed one business-wide.

Unsecure and disparate tools for password management created both security and productivity challenges for the organization. Not only were unencrypted locations like browser's built-in password managers or word documents leaving accounts vulnerable to breaches, but colleagues could not collaborate on shared accounts unless they used unsafe means — like email, text or instant messaging — to share login credentials.

With the passage of GDPR, the European Union’s regulation on data protection and privacy, the firm knew it needed to strengthen its protection of both its employee and customer data. Organizations can face steep fines for data breaches and the damages incurred.

The agency's IT Manager embarked on a search for a password manager that would be used daily by its employees, keep their passwords safe, enable collaboration on shared accounts and ensure compliance with GDPR.

Protecting passwords and login credentials are of the utmost importance — both to us as an organization and to our clients. A standard way to control and strengthen security was essential.

–IT Manager, Ad Agency

A solução do Keeper

As part of their decision process, the agency evaluated various password managers on the market. One of their main criteria was that the eventual solution would need to provide end-users with a simple and usable tool for storing their passwords.

The solution would have to be compatible with different web browsers in use by the team and have the ability to integrate with single sign-on (SSO) apps for streamlined access in their corporate network. When the buying committee compared a different password manager, noting that one option had been breached just that week and Keeper has never been hacked, the decision was clear.

Since deploying Keeper Password Manager, the firm has extended the solution to all users in their organization. Implementation took place in less than a week and the ability to import passwords directly into Keeper from spreadsheets and other password managers made the transition seamless. An intuitive user experience, self-guided web tutorials and training with the Keeper team have made using the tool easy.

The IT Manager noted the benefits of scale in cybersecurity — protecting every user on every app and device — as cyberthreats target entire organizations and “all users ultimately handle passwords.” Keeper is available where users already do their work — on all major browsers, devices and applications.

In addition, on-demand visibility into access permissions to the organization’s credentials and secrets, a requirement for GDPR compliance, is also protecting the privacy of their customer and employee data. With Keeper, the IT Manager and the agency have more confidence that their login credentials and critical data are secure, and that they play a critical role in keeping it that way.

We now know that users are using a secure application for passwords, that they are not stored in unsecured open files, and that users are saving time on logins and password management.

–IT Manager, Ad Agency

Benefícios do gerenciamento de senhas empresariais


O Keeper é uma solução de gerenciamento de senhas de conhecimento zero e confiança zero. Isso significa que todas as informações armazenadas no Keeper só podem ser acessadas pelo usuário final. Todas as criptografias e descriptografias são feitas no dispositivo do cliente e os dados são criptografados em trânsito (TLS) e em repouso na infraestrutura do Keeper (AES-256).

A versão em texto simples dos dados nunca está disponível para os funcionários da Keeper Security ou qualquer parte externa. O Keeper é fanático sobre a proteção dos dados dos clientes. Porém, no caso improvável de o Keeper ser hackeado, a única coisa que os atacantes poderiam acessar é texto criptografado inútil.

Melhore a consciência e o comportamento em relação a senhas

A maioria das empresas tem visibilidade limitada sobre as práticas de senhas de seus funcionários, o que aumenta as ameaças cibernéticas. A higiene de senhas não pode ser melhorada sem informações críticas sobre o uso e a conformidade das senhas. O Keeper soluciona isso fornecendo relatórios, auditorias, análises e notificações abrangentes sobre senhas.

Compartilhe seguramente suas senhas

Cada usuário tem um conjunto de chaves de criptografia pública e privada usadas para criptografar o cofre, compartilhar registros de senhas e mensagens entre usuários. As informações compartilhadas são criptografadas com a chave pública do destinatário.

Segurança rápida de obter

O Keeper é intuitivo e fácil de implementar, independentemente do tamanho de seu negócio. O Keeper se integr com servidores de Active Directory e LDAP, o que torna eficiente o provisionamento e a integração. Use o Keeper SSO Connect® para integração em sua solução de SSO existente.

O Keeper acompanha a escala de seu negócio

O Keeper foi projetado para escalar para empresas de qualquer tamanho. Recursos como permissões com base em função, compartilhamento com equipe, aauditoria departamental e administração delegada apoiam sua empresa à medida que ela cresce. O Keeper Commander™ fornece APIs robustas para integração em sistemas atuais e futuros.

Proteja sua empresa com o Keeper

Para saber mais sobre como o Keeper pode proteger sua empresa com uma plataforma fácil de usar para gerenciamento de identidade e acesso (IAM), entre em contato com nossa Equipe de Vendas para fazer uma avaliação gratuita ou ver uma demonstração.

Proteja sua empresa com o Keeper.

Para saber mais sobre como o Keeper pode proteger seu negócio com uma plataforma fácil de usar para gerenciamento de identidade e acesso, entre em contato com nossa Equipe de vendas para obter uma avaliação gratuita ou uma demonstração.

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